Articles on PR for People

Jobs:The Coming War!

One of my interns recently commented that she had observed “so many old people” working in places such as Fedex-Kinkos, Home Depot, and Rite Aid.  She wasn’t making a comment on the culture as being “old” as much as she was observing that many of these oldsters who are working are doing so because they have not saved enough for retirement.  Some companies prefer to hired older people because they bring a...

Tell me About Yourself

“Tell me about yourself!” How many times have you heard this in a job interview? How you respond can make all the difference in the outcome. How do you stand out from the pack in a clear, concise and memorable way? Every business professional, whether you are in the job market or not, needs a personal brand statement that quickly outlines your value in the workplace. Think of it as your personal elevator speech.

 Preparation is...

Meaningful Work for Baby Boomers

In today’s economy, every employee is vulnerable. Baby boomers are often the most concerned, believing their opportunities to find meaningful work are more limited. If they are open-minded and creative, however, there are many existing possibilities.

 Work remains important to this population, even after they become retirement-eligible. Studies show that 80% of boomers intend to work after their official retirement, mostly...

Tattoo-ing You

This past Saturday I was in a ballet class and noticed the tattoo on the dancer in front of me. Nicole had a large butterfly tattoo on her back. For me, this was a branding moment. I don’t know Nicole that well, but I do know that butterflies are so meaningful to her that she wants one on her back for the rest of her life.

According to a 2012 Harris Poll, one in five American adults has at least one tattoo, which is up...

Digital Strategy: Job Hunting in the Connected World

Looking for a job in the Digital Era is as much about preparation and attitude as it is background and ability.

Create a cover letter template.  This is an email template you reuse, modifying it each time. Your cover letter should be short, sweet and to the point.  And it also should be personalized with the recipient’s name, their company name and address, etc.  Sending out a non-personalized cover letter makes...

Works for Hire?

Did you know that even if you hire an independent contractor to undertake a project, provide that independent contractor the idea for the project, direct that person’s work on the project, pay that contractor for the project, and even cause the hired person to sign a piece of paper which states that the work is created for hire for your benefit, it does not mean that you necessarily own the contractor’s...

Technology Jobs are Out There

Listening to national reports about the job market, it’s easy to think the news is all bad. But there are some bright spots, most notably in the technology sector, where there is actually a shortage of skilled workers.  Demand for positions like software developers, computer programmers and database administrators is expected to grow almost 14 percent in Washington state over the next five years, outpacing the national demand by several...

Wali Collins: he’s not only funny, he’s Fashionable

NYC Comedian, Author and Entrepreneur Wali Collins has done more than create a popular movement around his Y'NEVANO Book of ENCOURAGEMENTS.  He has created a line of apparel that includes T-shirts, sweats, underwear, and accessories such as wristbands and baseball caps, all to remind you to live a regret-less life in the Y’NEVANO state of mind. The apparel line is one more extension of the growing Y’NEVANO...

Madina Vadache: Pure Drama

Madina Vadache is all about blending art and fashion to create garments of great dramatic proportioning, structural beauty and provocative allure.   An exquisite attention to detail is the signature of every Madina Vadache piece, whether it is a custom designed wedding gown, a simple blouse or a hand painted silk T-shirt.  Vadache says she finds inspiration in all things beautiful but she does more than blend art and fashion, she is an...


There are books and blogs on the how-to’s of networking.  You can learn the art of starting a conversation and ending a conversation.  You can learn when and how to offer your business card and when not to.  You can get tips on selecting a group to break into at a cocktail party and then how to break into the group.  And you can get advice on how to construct your ‘elevator pitch’ and tag line.

But none of this will matter if you...