Rupert Sheldrake

Latest Posts in Rupert Sheldrake


With all that is going on in the world, on the chaotic political front, it’s time to take a look at the bigger picture, and to think about all of those small miracles that happen every day of our lives. In this article, we explore the form of energy that is far greater than any one of us. We take a look at the energy that is generated by people.  

Soul Energy

With all the great ideas in this Connector about energy in the physical world, let’s not forget there is energy in the soul world, too. Soul energy is one of two components in the life force that powers our souls. The other component is information.

We All Have Souls

We All Have Souls Why Does it Matter?

by Tom Blaschko

Our souls matter because they are our connection to the most profound parts of our living universe. In our culture we may feel cut off from one another, separated from nature, and terrified of our aloneness. Remembering we have a soul gives us a path to reconnect to all the things that matter to us.

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