civil rights

PR for People® Wants Student Writers!


PR for People® is actively seeking high school students to write Op-Ed articles about topics covering civil rights, civil disobedience and activism. These articles will be published in the April issue of PR for People “The Connector” Magazine and on the PR for People News portal.

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Latest Posts in civil rights

How Much Authority Is Enough?

The issue of civil rights has gotten a lot of play of late in the media. Police behaving like thugs, the TSA practicing "risk-based security," the right of the LGBT community to marry, the NSA listening in – all of these issues raise legitimate concerns about our relationship with authority.

                  It has always been a push-pull with us; there are always “bad guys” looking for an unfair advantage. On the other hand, we...


The national landscape of the 1960s unfolded radical and controversial domestic ideologies. At age six, with dreamy innocence and considerable imagination, the parameters of my world filled a smaller, local radius. My Brooklyn surroundings, within a predominantly Jewish and Italian neighborhood, provided a sensual palette of colors and sounds that engaged my childlike sphere.

The neighborhood candy store was my local paradise....

Cop-per Bullets


When cop-per bullets desecrate young, black flesh The oppressed, then address, whose son will be next? Bullets to the blue sky; there’s a mob filled with threats, For the sobbing, young mother in her cop-robbed nest

Police keep their dogs on a leash, but who’s the real beast? When children get murdered for being Black in the streets “Suspicious” characters get courted, then asked...

Are Your Neurons Making You a Bigot?

Are Your Neurons Making You a Bigot?   

Maybe… but not so fast

Everyone’s a little bit racist. No less than the head of the FBI said so recently, quoting a song from the Broadway musical, “Avenue Q.”

We all have two forms of prejudice to deal with: implicit and explicit, conscious and unconscious. When the racist says people of color are inferior and dangerous, that’s explicit bias...

Has Ferguson Sparked a New Civil Rights Movement?

In early December, the website Gawker posted stories and pictures of 77 unarmed people of color killed by police in America since 1999, based on a list compiled by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Counting back from the end of the year, Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo., was Number 6.

Thanks to the widely accepted Department of Justice...