Benjamin Franklin

Latest Posts in Benjamin Franklin

UNITE OR DIE: Global Governance and a New Social Contract For Our Endangered Species

“Unite or die.” These fateful words were penned by Benjamin Franklin in 1774 when the American colonies were close to a Declaration of Independence from the British Crown.

Superorganism: Unite or Die

Unite or Die is Chapter Four in Dr. Peter Corning's ground breaking work: Superorganism. Superorganism is a cautionary tale of the ancient human societies that have vanished – many of them as victims of ecological disasters. To purchase Superorganism in its entirety, go to the local bookstore nearest you, or online via Cambridge University Press or Amazon


Evolution and Ethics: It’s Not an Oxymoron

The evidence suggests that cooperation was the “master architect” of evolutionary complexity, especially in humankind.  That’s why ethics is so important. The selfish gene model of evolution is a one-sided caricature.  Darwin himself understood the important role of ethics in human evolution. The ethical implications of a fundamentally cooperative model of human evolution are obvious.  Effective social cooperation depends on having a harmonious social relationship.

Is it a Resolution or a Wish?

Tis the time of year to be jolly and make new year resolutions.


With all that is going on in the world, on the chaotic political front, it’s time to take a look at the bigger picture, and to think about all of those small miracles that happen every day of our lives. In this article, we explore the form of energy that is far greater than any one of us. We take a look at the energy that is generated by people.