Articles on PR for People

Traits That Define a Great Teacher

Most of us can remember our favorite teachers. They stand out in our memories because they created meaningful learning experiences and didn’t give up on us when we struggled to master a skill or concept. 

Outstanding Teacher Kolby Campbell

Kolby Campbell is currently the Theatre Director at the Creekview High School

What Makes a Great Teacher?

What Makes a Great Teacher?

Contributed by Laura Trujillo-Jenks, Ph.D.

A great teacher doesn’t know he/she is a great teacher. He/she seeks to perform his/her teaching duties well and with persistent excellence, and focuses on ensuring that the learning environment is welcoming, nurturing, and safe for productive learning to take place. Each great teacher also understands good teaching, meaning that he...

Outstanding Teacher Catherine Soto

Catherine Soto is 4th grade Bilingual Teacher at Rucker Elementary School in Prosper, Texas.

Gad Elmaleh, Donnell Rawlings, Ron Bennington, Nikki Glaser and More

Gad Elmaleh on The Juice, Donnell Rawlings Puts a Heckler in Her Place Plus News From Ron Bennington, Nikki Glaser and Coming Soon: News From Big Jay

Peter Corning: The Wages of Synergy

Timing is everything, in science just as much as in horseracing or playing the stock market. If Alfred Russell Wallace had published before Darwin, we would talk about Wallace’s Theory of Evolution today.

PR for People Reviews: Synergistic Selection

PR for People® Reviews: Synergistic Selection – Peter Corning World Scientific – 304 pp - $29.95  

A Species in Peril: What Evolution Can Teach Us About the Path Forward

Between the growing environmental crisis, extreme economic inequality and global poverty, a long list of social needs that are unfunded, or underfunded, and, not least, the dysfunctional or corrupt political regimes in many countries, our species is in genuine peril.  And it’s entirely a self-made crisis.  Yet this is precisely why there is reason for hope.

Interview with Peter Corning

Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Dr. Peter Corning about his latest book “Synergistic Selection."

About Peter Corning

Peter Corning is currently the Director of the Institute for the Study of Complex Systems in Seattle, Washington.  He was also once a science writer at Newsweek and a professor for many years in the Human Biology Program at Stanford University, along with holding a research appointment in Stanford’s Behavior Genetics Laboratory.