What was it like to create and sell art in Brazil in the 1980’s? Where to begin? Why not begin where it all began for me, in a cramped one bedroom rented apartment in Flamengo district of Rio de Janeiro, two blocks from the beach.
The “Bully Pulpit”: Then and Now. The term “bully” has two radically different meanings and moral consequences. An example of each one can be seen in two radically different presidents: Theodore Roosevelt and Donald Trump.
Hate crimes are increasing daily all over the world. It is however the heinous crimes against children that continues to escalate and shock. Therefore, the collaboration between Touch Our Pets Therapy Dogs aka TOP dogs and the Teddy Bear Foundation is of utmost importance. Therapy dogs are helping child victims prepare to testify in court against their abusers.
A library can pop up anywhere. You might have seen charming tiny kiosks standing free on wooden posts. Many of these freestanding libraries look like oversized, rural mail boxes. To catch your attention, some are painted in rainbow colors, others change their decorations to march in tune with holiday themes or regional cultural traditions.
Evidently the $5.7 billion requested for Trump’s wall is not the primary bone of contention right now. Pentagon estimators are at work to figure out how to give Trump the funds he will be short on a Congressional compromise for the wall if he accepts half of what he's previously asked for...
One year ago I was on Mulberry Street in NYC’s Little Italy doing research for a book. I was stunned to find the Landmark Church San Genarro to be cast aside as a relic to the past and empty of believers. The adjacent wall outside the church featured a psychedelic mural by a young artist from L.A., Tristian Eaton, who is...
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett’s “The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and Improve Everyone’s Well-Being” is a follow-up to their 2009 best-seller “The Spirit Level.” That book reviewed several hundred studies expounding on their book’s subtitle: “Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger,” and came to the breakthrough finding that “inequality affects the vast majority of the population, not only the poor minority.”