The PR for People® Media Think Tank Exploring the State-of-the-Media is on Friday, October 6, 2017, 8 to 10am. Our group includes journalists, media executives, academics and media attorneys who will hold a frank discussion about the current State-of-the-Media. Below is a list of our topics for discussion. Below is a list of suggested reading that is by no means mandatory reading! More than anything, Exploring the State-of-the-Media is meant to be a timely and relevant meeting of the minds so that we can share collective intelligence that will enhance our careers. The discussion will be audio-recorded. Post-event, a white paper will be drafted and made available only to the participants. I look forward to seeing you on Friday, October 6, 2017, 8am at MAKERS, 92 Lenora Street, Seattle, WA 98121. (located ½ block west of 1st Avenue on the North side of the street.)
Topics for Exploration
1. What are your observations about the digital delivery of the news?
- Is it working?
- What improvements can be made?
3. How does Google and Facebook’s domination over the the digital ad market impact the media?
2. What are your observations of the media’s current business landscape?
- revenue streams (potential and actual)
- cost-cutting measures
- Non-profit funding
- Alternative funding
- Trends in media or internet law
4. What are the ramifications of Artificial Intelligence in the Newsroom?
5. What does the Future hold for a Free and Independent Media?
The Secret Cost of Pivoting to Video
Columbia Journalism Review 9/26/17 Writer: Heidi N. Moore
The Not-So-Glossy Future of Magazines
New York Times 9/23/17 Writers: SYDNEY EMBER and MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM
In PayWall Age, free content remains king for newspaper sites
Columbia Journalism Review 9/22/17 Writer: Ariel Stulberg
Who Owns the Internet
What Big Tech’s monopoly powers mean for our culture.
The New Yorker 8/28/17 Writer: Elizabeth Kolbert
Media Startups Try a Lower Cost Model Unpaid Student Writers
Wall Street Journal 6/23/17 Writer: Austen Hufford
As AI enters newsrooms, journalists have urgent responsibility
Columbia Journalism Review 6/16/17 Writer: Nausicaa Renner