This month we explore the reality of climate change as depicted in the work of evolutionary biologist Dr. Peter A. Corning. Over the course of the next few months, PR for People will publish each chapter of Dr. Corning's latest work Superorganism: Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species. This month we have news from Nebraska. Read about Priscilla Teley Foley, who designs couture apparel with distinctly African flair. Also, Willa Cather’s My Antonia, the third book in her Great Plains Trilogy, is a breathtaking story about life on the Nebraska prairie in the 19th Century.
No one should ignore this message!
As the evidence of our global survival crisis continues to mount – with mega droughts, catastrophic floods, rampant wildfires, melting glaciers, devastating hurricanes and more, the expression “too-little-too-late” comes to mind.
A Preview of The Near Future is Chapter One of Dr. Peter Corning’s groundbreaking work. To purchaseSuperorganism in its entirety, go to Cambridge University Press or Amazon.
Summer Reading: The Big Rich Beach Book by Patricia Vaccarino
Forget about taking that dream vacation. You can always soak up some sun and revel in reading books about the very rich.
The Rise of African Fashion in the American Midwest by Barbara Lloyd McMichael
Operating out of a modest strip mall in West Omaha, El Roi House of Design offers a boutique specializing in African traditional styles for men and women.
My Antonia by Willa Cather: A truly good summer read
Jim Burden’s purported memoir of My Antonia is too well crafted to be of his own making. Willa Cather uses Jim Burden as a beard to substitute for her own affections and longing for Antonia. It is quite clear that the real admirer of Antonia Shimerda is the author herself.
Republicans Diminishing the Cruelty of Black Slavery is a Loser’s Play by Nick Licata
Ron DeSantis is trying to make us believe that American black slaves were really entrepreneurs who gained on-the-job skills along with bankable work experience.
The Prevalence of Smoking in Low-Income Communities and Solutions Available Today
Smoking has been declining in America, except in low-income communities. While years of warnings against smoking’s effects, quitting programs, and anti-smoking campaigns have been effective for many smokers, it hasn’t been successful in certain populations.
Robin Lindley interviews Blaine Harden Author of Murder at the Mission
According to Blaine Harden, “The Whitman lie is a timeless reminder that in America a good story has an insidious way of trumping a true one, especially if that story confirms our virtue, congratulates our pluck, and enshrines our status as God’s chosen people.”
Someday I’ll Die (Not an Epiphany) by Dave Bresler
NYC-based Dave Bresler, a multi-talented serial entrepreneur, writes about how he will keep sailing on through with a smile on his face.